- मंगलबार-फाल्गुण-२७-२०८१|Tuesday-March-2025
Nepal is on the way to a democratic federal state. But still the political accountability and transparency of govenmental bodies is weak. Despite the existance of elected governements, the implementation of federalism is totally new and as a result goverments needs to make a track first to step on for action. Procedural transition and lack of necessary laws affected in action of governments. Likewise, lack of common consensus among the governments on their powersharing, lack of enough expertise for policy formulation and implementation in local level are the challanges at the moment. It affected on the rule of law in one hand on the otherhand monopoly and or self idology of the power is emphasized in the name of development and local resource mobilization which is against rule of law and the ethic and spirit of the democratic federal system. As a result the linkage between government, laws, policy and guided service delivery structure and access to these service to the citizen is not clear which hampering the service delivery and creating conflict.
HURF is working as resource organization providing technical support to the local governments to establish rule of law. HURF is providing support on policy formulation, law making, strategic planning, and capacity building of Local judicial committees on law and its effective implementation issues.
Thematic Objective :
Promotion of effective service & democratic practice through good governance, building relationship between communities and government.
Programs and Projects :
Experiences of HURF Nepal
Constitutional Awareness
HURF Nepal awares citizen, political leaders and stakeholders on the provision of constitution. HURF has conducted awareness campaign since constitution drafting, agenda collection and awareness on the constituton.
Inclusive democracy
In cooperation with Abhiyan Nepal HURF run the program "Building Local Capacity for Inclusive Democracy", which is carried out in 5 VDCs and municipality in District Ilam. Citizen Council groups were formed who aware people, especially marginalized groups, how to get involved in all governmental activities like planning, decision making and budget allocation.
Citizen Charter
With support of USAID HURF conducted the program "EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY THROUGH CITIZEN CHARTER" in 12 VDCs of District Ilam in 2011. Trained youth facilitators gave trainings about the citizen charter and local services especially to marginalized groups on local level. Besides of that 15 service camps were held in 12 VDCs: VDC, health post, District hospital provided their services to the locals.
Local Governance and community development
HURF act as a local service provider for the governmental program LOCAL GOVERNANCE AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (LGCDP) and is responsible for 4 VDCs in the werstern region of District Ilam. This program aims to reduce poverty through effective service delivery, good governance and empowerment of marginalized and poor groups.
Federalism and Democracy
Human Rights Forum Nepal (HURF) with the support of Stiftung Umverteilen has organized rural dialogues as an interaction program on federalism and democracy at different 15 VDCs in District Ilam, having an aim to establish common consensus on the federal system in the societies through interaction and training.
The programme has been successfully conducted in 30 VDCs in District Ilam. The discussion was about the values and importance of federalism, democracy and fundamental rights.
Trainers were the active members of HURF and the members of Mediation Committees who were chosen in inclusive manner. They got three days ToT training on Federal System for Local Facilitator by senior trainer Mr. Keshab Dahal. The programme was conducted since April, 2010 to December, 2011.
Constitutional assembly and Constitution
Since 2007 HURF conducted with the support of Stiftung Umverteilen (Germany) several interaction programmes and trainings on the election system for the constitutional assembly, on the interim constitution and the peace agreement in 48 VDCs of Ilam District.
Agenda and Issue Collection for new Constitution:
2008, also with the support of Stiftung Umverteilen, HURF collected issues and agendas for the new constitution at grassroot level and organized interaction programmes at district level for discussion and analysis of these issues.
In 2009, two round tables of 12 parties of the eastern region of Nepal were conducted in Dharan und Damak. In this forum, different parties, related with ethnic groups (Limbuwans, Khambuwans, Kirat worker party) had the oppurtunity to discuss about the modalities of the new federalist state.
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