- मंगलबार-फाल्गुण-२७-२०८१|Tuesday-March-2025
HURF envisions a civilized and prosperous society.
HURF actively works for establishing justice and sustainable peace through protection and promotion of human rights & rights.
Improved access to justice & peace promotion at community level through protection and promotion of human rights & rights, promotion of effective service & democratic practice, and meaningful participation of excluded groups/communities.
The main objectives of HURF are the protection and promotion of Human Rights and the development of a non-violent and non-discriminating culture. Peace and non-violent conflict resolution, social inclusion, gender equity and the ending of all kind of discrimination are our main focus areas. To reach our objectives, we conduct awareness programs about Human Rights, child rights and women rights, enhance the capacity of Human Rights defenders who are working at grassroots level, support the peace building process through community mediation and dialogues and we conduct trainings on the new constitution, democracy and federalism. We are supporting to enable capacities of local governments on policy making, law making, planning and implementation skills on the issues of children, women, dalits, indigenous, senior citizen, establishing local judicial structures and mediation services etc. We provide legal, psychosocial, mediation, emergency rescue and shelter support to victims of violence.
The Third Strategic Plan of HURF Nepal (2019-2024) has directed the following strategic objectives :
1. Improved protection and promotion of Human rights and rights of the target groups & communities.
2. Promotion of sustainable peace through improved access to justice and reduced violent conflict through non -violent conflict transformation at community level.
3. Promotion of effective service & democratic practice through good governance, building relationship between communities and government.
4. Increased meaningful participation of excluded groups/communities and reduced all sort of discrimination and exclusion.
Approaches :