- बिहीबार-फाल्गुण-८-२०८१|Thursday-February-2025
HURF Nepal has been working many national level, international level and local level partners. Below is the list of some major national and international partners provided technical, financial and colaborative support to HURF campaign.
Partnership at National Level (Government and its Agencies)
The Government of Nepal
HURF Nepal works with Governments of Nepal in different issues since its establishment. HURF is actively collaborating with federal ministries, province government and local governments in its campaign.
National Human Rights Comission
NHRC is the constitutional and governing body of Nepal for Human rights. HURF has regular coordination and collaboration on issues of human rights
National Child Rights Council
NCRC is the governing body for children issues formed under the Child Rights Act 2075. HURF Nepal has regular coordination, and collaboration with NCRC. HURF is hosting child helpline 1098 of government of Nepal which is implemented by NCRC. NCRC provides technical support in HURF child rights related programs and activities.
Mediation Council
Mediation Council, formed under the Mediation Act 2068, is the governing body on managing mediation services throughout Nepal, HURF is authorized mediation service provider and training providing organization by mediation council. HURF coordinates and collaborates with Mediation Council in its mediation related activities.
International Funding Partners
The Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
The Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) is the German governmental organization of development co-operation. GIZ supports among other things the strengthening of local self governance and civil society. GIZ has supported several activities of HURF since 2006.
Civil Peace Service Program (ZFD-GIZ) : CPS is a part of GIZ which focuses on peace issues through non violent means of conflict transformation. HURF has been collaborating with CPS since 2008. The cooperation has now focused on strengthening local judicial service, promoting mediation and non violent culture in Koshi province. An International Peace Advisor provides regular advisory support in the field of peace through this cooperation.
Umverteilen Stiftung
Umberteilen Stiftung is a foundation in Germany. HURF has partnership since 2006.
Swiss Development Cooperation
Swiss Development Cooperation is one of the bilateral support of Embassy of Switzerland. HURF had partnership with SDC on promoting community mediation.
Kindermissionwerk "Die Strensinger" e.V. is one of the Catholic organization, which works in the field of children in Germany. HURF has been collaborating with KMW since 2013. The collaboration has been focused to matarialize the child rights through policy implementation at local level in Koshi Province.
Open Society Policy Centre (OSPC)
HURF has been collaborating with OSPC since 2016. OSPC is an organization from America which carries out research and raise advocacy on the issues of marginalized and minorities to improve access. The collaboration with OSPC has been focused to ensure quality justice delivery at local level through a project, "Strengthening Local Judicial System for Community Justice Service" to capacitated the local judicial committees, and to provide technical support to establish judicial system for community justice service in Panchthar district
AWO International
AWO International is an organization from Germany works in the field of labour rights, anti-human trafficking and safe migration. HURF has collaboration on youth empowerment, undre the project Youth for Social Change (Campaign against human trafficking through enabling capacities and mobilizing youth Empowerments on safe migration & self entrepreneurship for livelihood.)
National Level NGOs
Centre of Victims of Torture, Nepal (CVICT)
Centre of Victims of Torture, Nepal (CVICT) is a non-governmental organization in Nepal, which aims to eradicate torture from Nepal and offers psychosocial services to help the victims of torture. CVICT has worked with HURF since 1999.
Informal Sector Service center (INSEC)
INSEC is a national level leading NGO in Nepal working in the field of human rights. HURF has partnership with INSEC since 1998.