- बुधबार-फाल्गुण-७-२०८१|Wednesday-February-2025
Third Strategic Plan 2019-2024 set up the following 4 thematic programs
1. Rights & Human Rights
2. Conflict Peace & Justice
3. Gender and Social Inclusion
4. Democracy and Governance
Projects :
Some major projects of HURF Nepal
1. Strengthening Judicial Structures and Protecting Human Rights at Local Level
The project focused to capacitate local judicial committees, support to develop mediators and strengthen mediation service through training, facilitation on policy making and advisory support. It has also focused on human rights education, developing human rights defenders, monitoring, documentation and sensitization throughout the province. The project has been implemented in financial and technical collaboration of Civil Peace Service Program /GIZ and covers all 137 local levels of Koshi province.
2. Local Government Support to Ensure Quality Justice Service
This project has focused to raise advocacy on mediation at province level as well as to provide wholistic approach to justice delivery (policy making to implementation) focused in 3 rural municipalities in Ilam and Panchthar districts to practice a model judicial work as well as raising discussion on the possible indicators to measure the justice service. It focused on quality and sustainable local justice service and justice delivery. The project is being implemented with financial support of Open Society Policy Center.
3. Solidarity for Child Rights Protection
Focusing to ensure child rights at local laws the campaign of creating solidarity for child protection is ongoing since 2019 in Koshi Province. The project has been focused to develop child laws at local level. Establish its structures and capacity building of structures for child rights are focused. It has focused to develop model child rights implemented local level. The project is being implemented with financial collaboration of Kindermissionswerk.
4. Child Helpline 1098 : Child rescuse and Response
HURF Nepal hosts the child helpline number 1098. Its 24 hour hotline number to rescue children, provide shelter support and further legal, mediacal and other support. This service provides wholistic support to the children until reintigration at family. The helpline service covers Ilam, Panchthar, Taplejung districts and some parts of Jhapa and Terhathum districts. The service has been implemented with collaboration of National Children Rights Councial under the federal ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizen.
5.Youth for Social Change : A constructive youth mobilization campaign for social transformation.
Enabling capacity of local governments and youth against human trafficking, promoting informed migration, safe labor market, self entrepreneur, and generating livelihood options, and reintegration of returnee migrant workers.
6. Campaign on Gender and social Inclusion :
HURF has been launching its campaign against Caste based discrimination, women rights, dalit rights, indigenous rights, rights of senior citizen and marginalized communities.
7. Emergency support to Victim of GBV & Children
HURF provides emergency support to the victim women and children as its regular service. HURF providesPsychosocial, legal, mediation,Shelter support in regular basis.